Use of Ancient Environmental DNA to Identify a Viable Site for Conservation of the Maugean Skate

Use of Ancient Environmental DNA to Identify a Viable Site for Conservation of the Maugean Skate

Jane Ruckert
Grantee Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
Location Australia
Grant Amount $25,000
Duration 18 months
Type of Grant Small
Status: Completed

The endangered Maugean skate was only known from 2 locations. However, it is no longer found in Bathurst Harbour. The last site they inhabit, Macquarie Harbour has a degraded environment due to human impacts and the skate population has halved in 7 years and is near extinction. Captive breeding is urgently required. This project will use ancient DNA to examine the skate's population history in Bathurst Harbour to determine if it is suitable for releasing skate created through captive breeding.