Securing Critical Habitat for Sharks & Rays in Southern Mozambique

Securing Critical Habitat for Sharks & Rays in Southern Mozambique

Grantee Marine Megafauna Foundation (MMF)
Location Mozambique
Grant Amount 201,905
Duration 3 years
Type of Grant Core Grant
Status: Completed

In Mozambique’s Bazaruto Seascape, Marine Megafuana Foundation (MMF) and Santuario Bravio de Vilanculos (SBV)are developing effective protection strategies to safeguard local elasmobranchs. This project will establish a Shark and Ray Protection Zone surrounding the Inhamambane Estuary mouth - a critical shark and ray habitat, particularly for three Critically Endangered wedgefish species. A science-based adaptive management strategy will be implemented, and alternative fishing methods will be provided to the local community who currently fish this area.