Grantee | Communications, Inc. / Shark League for the Atlantic and Mediterranean (SLAM) ↗ |
Location | Global |
Grant Amount | $279,636 |
Duration | 3 years |
Type of Grant | Core |
Status: | Completed |
For the many sharks and rays that are fished by several countries, international actions by Regional Fisheries Management Organizations have the potential to swiftly safeguard species throughout their ranges.
The project seeks to secure effective implementation of science-based fishing limits for Atlantic oceanic elasmobranchs, particularly shortfin makos and blue sharks, through sound fisheries management measures by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), and ensuring major Atlantic shark fishing Parties align their obligations under ICCAT with those under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
The project is implemented by the Shark League for the Atlantic and Mediterranean coalition of Shark Advocates International, Shark Trust, and Ecology Action Centre, in coordination with founding member PADI AWARE.